Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are you an AMC?

Yes, Stewart Valuation Intelligence provides Appraisal Management Company (AMC) services, along with other real estate valuation services. (more…)

Are you compliant with all Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPB) requirements?

Yes, our complaint handling process is compliant with CFPB requirements. (more…)

As a Network Partner, how can I get more work from Stewart Valuation Intelligence?

The quality of your work and meeting due dates that you agree to are the two most important factors. If you have a great track record you will have the opportunity for more work.

Can a lender/investor have a configured instance?

The VALIDITY app is configurable so a lender/investor can configure their own instance with customized question sets, instructions and required photos.

Can I get HVF data?

HVF is created using numerous housing and economic data sources. The top 750 CBSAs, as well as data down to the ZIP code level for approximately 18,000 ZIPs, are available with a corporate subscription to the service. (more…)

Can you integrate with my platform?

We have integrated directly with many clients including proprietary platforms, leading Loan Operating Systems (LOS) and 3rd party platforms. (more…)

Do I need to complete a background check?

Some of Stewart Valuation Intelligence’s clients have made background checks mandatory, others have no preference. You can sign up either way.

Do you display the locations on an overhead image of the property showing location of each photo?

Overhead images of properties are typically not detailed enough and lack the dimensional attributes to make this practical. VALIDITY does offer the appraiser a 'roll over' mechanism for viewing the metadata (GPS coordinates, map location, photo date).

Do you have a process for identifying and reporting USPAP violations?

Stewart Valuation Intelligence has a formal complaint process. A complaint could come from a number of channels including but not limited to: clients, reviewers, homeowners or appraisers. (more…)

Do you have a process to deliver printed copies of completed reports to borrowers?

Yes, we have a compliant process for delivering completed reports to borrowers if required. (more…)

Do you have hybrid valuation products?

Yes, we have several hybrid valuation products. Finding the right product depends upon your goals, risk tolerance and regulatory environment. (more…)

Do you have licensed/certified appraisers on staff?

Yes, we have licensed/certified appraisers on staff: in management, as review appraisers and in various MSAs as field appraisers. (more…)

Do you maintain a list of appraisers you would recommend not doing business with?

No, but Stewart Valuation Intelligence does adhere to mandatory state reporting. (more…)

Do you require location services to be enabled on the device?

VALIDITY recommends that location services be enabled on the device for the photo verification steps and prompts the user to do so. VALIDITY will not stop the homeowner from completing the inspection without location services, but will continually warn them that the photos cannot be validated. The appraiser and lender can clearly see which photos have passed all stages of verification and which ones have only partial or no verification. The system was designed this way so not to create a roadblock should a homeowner not have location services on their device or are unable to enable them.

Do you sometimes have different SLAs by product, complexity or market area?

Yes, we have instances where we manage to different SLAs by product, region and complexity. SLAs are maintained at the product and client level within our platform. (more…)

Do you subcontract?

Stewart Valuation Intelligence uses licensed and certified residential real estate appraisers and licensed real estate brokers and agents to complete residential valuations. (more…)

Do you use any third parties to place orders?

No, we do not currently use any outside third parties to place orders. We have an internal Partner Development team who handles all recruiting and difficult case assignments in conjunction with Partner Relations. (more…)

Does it cost more to use Intelligent Cascade?

No, there is no additional cost for using IC. Schedule your consultation today so you can begin saving time and money tomorrow.

Does the appraiser receive the information in a format that can be easily stored in their workfile?

Yes. The appraiser receives a PDF with all of the inspection data, including PDF-friendly versions of the images and all commentary from the homeowner. Additionally, the appraiser can click a link to download a zip file with all of the original image files.

Does the user provide an attestation or certification upon submission of the data?

VALIDITY does require that the homeowner or property contact attest that the provided information is representative of their property and condition at time of inspection. VALIDITY also warns the homeowner for each uploaded photo that 1) does not contain metadata, 2) the metadata indicates the photo was taken prior to the inspection, 3) the metadata indicates the photo was taken from a location other than the subject property or 4) the photo is a duplicate of another photo provided. The homeowner is prompted to replace the photo in question but can override with a required explanation. All photos that don't meet these checks are flagged with the homeowner's explanation when delivered to the appraiser. The appraiser also has an opportunity to review all photos and information provided and can mark with questions and return an email link to the homeowner to provide clarification and/or additional information. This two way communication is a differentiating feature from competing apps and is all contained within the VALIDITY application. The homeowner and appraiser can perform multiple submission and review sessions until the appraiser is satisfied with the inspection results.

How are customer or borrower complaints handled?

All complaints from borrowers and/or customers are documented and investigated. Any complaint received through a borrower is routed through the lender/client. (more…)

How can I sign up to be a Stewart Valuation Intelligence Network Partner?

We are always searching for experienced appraisers, brokers and agents who share our passion for accuracy and customer service. (more…)

How do I order when using Intelligent Cascade?

You just order, there is nothing different that needs to be done on your side. Once Stewart Valuation Intelligence receives the order we use your criteria to deliver the best product.

How do you know the person is authorized to provide the information?

The lender provides the homeowner contact information with the appraisal order. The appraiser has specific instructions on how to contact the homeowner and is responsible for verifying who will be providing the required information and when the homeowner will complete the inspection.